Midtown Tag

Getting older, suffering injuries, and the constant strain of gravity - they all lead to degenerative changes in your spine and your entire body. You may be surprised to learn that even conditions like disc herniations can be a regular part of the aging process....

Bottom Line: Did you know that a Chiropractic adjustment doesn’t only help reduce your pain levels? It also enables you to get stronger! It’s true. Researchers measured the electrical activity in the arms and legs before, during and after a Chiropractic adjustment. What did they...

Bottom Line: You probably don’t think too much about the force of gravity on your body as you’re walking around each day. It’s just something we all live with, but you ever paused to consider how gravity is putting stress on your body’s bones, joints...

Bottom Line: Pregnancy is a special time in every couple’s life. Having a baby is an emotional rollercoaster. Joy, happiness, anticipation, and excitement are all part of the process, but the process of how an expecting mom’s body changes over the course of her pregnancy is...

Bottom Line: Going through 3 trimesters and nearly 9 full months of carrying a baby is a long, long, long time. Even just a few months can seem like an eternity if you’re a mom dealing with pregnancy-related low back pain. We’ve got great...